You have questions for us??
Don't be shy, you can ask them!!
Feel free to comment them below, email them to us brittnicolefanblog@gmail.com, or tweet them to us @nicgoldfanblog
Every Friday I will update these with fan questions and my answers.

Hollybearyxo (Instagram): How old are you?
My Answer:  I'm a lot younger than most Britt fanpages.  I am 13.

Hollybearyxo (Instagram): Have you met Britt Nicole?
My answer: No, but I might meet her this summer!! It i s for sure on my bucket list!!

Hollybearyxo (Instagram): Where do you live?
My answer: I'm not going to tell you the city, but I live in Utah.

Hollybearyxo (Instagram): What is your favorite Britt song?
My answer: That's a tough one!! Right now, they are Amazing Life and When she Cries.  They change weekly.  My all-time favorite is Gold.

Lydiakytle_14 (Instagram): How long have you liked Britt Nicole?
My answer: Since 2010.  


  1. Has Britt Nicole ever been to NZ?

    1. I bet she has!! You can always check out Britt's tour dates at brittnicole.com!!
