Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Gold" Went Gold!!

Hey Nicgolds!! So.. I have a tendency to slack on here when I go back to school. (Oops..) I am honestly trying and will get back on track soon :)
As some of you may know.. Gold (The album not the song) went Gold!! Britt got her plaque on Thursday!! Capitol Records (Britt's record company) surprised her with it!! She loves it!!
Go Britt!! 

All the people that made Gold happen!!

A special congrats again to not only Britt but her AMAZING team!! We LOVE u all :)

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

UPDATE- Britt preforming at Girls of Grace, Gold going Gold, Ella Brave Photos, and 1 more announcement!!

I kinda took a mini vacation from Saturday-Tuesday. (Oops!!) So that is why all the "Girls of Grace" pictures are late.  Sorry!!
Anyway, Britt preformed at Girls of Grace in Louisville on Saturday! We have plenty of pictures and even a couple of videos!!
Lets get started...

Britt and her dancers Laney and Jeff getting ready to preform!!

Here we go!! Britt and the crew doing what they do best!!

So Britt, Laney, and Gabi (Dipace) wanted to take a jumping picture after the show.  This is how things went down...

And last but not least...

The actual jump :)

Okay, so I lied.  There is one more picture.  Laney (@laneyredmon) posted this different shot of the jump :)

Now... For the fan pictures :)
I am going to tell you the story of when @143brittnicole (Instagram. ) met Britt.

She met Britt at Girls of Grace this weekend.   Britt's manager took her to meet Britt when they were backstage.  "When her manager said that this is @143brittnicole on Instagram, she had the happiest look on her face." -Emma.  Britt even shouted out her account on stage!! How cool!

Now... to other fans pictures :)

This same fan met Britt a couple years before and used it as her #transformationtuesday picture!!

Concert Pictures!!

Gold Went Gold.
Gold went Gold on iTunes yesterday. (Tuesday the 11th) Which means over 500,000 people bought the song "Gold"!! Britt was so excited!! Of course, the crew celebrated.

Congratulations Britt and the crew!!!

Photos Feat: Ella Brave

Ella and her mommy!! Britt said that she loves being Ella's mommy!! How sweet :)

Laney and Ella

Ella is so excited  to be at the restaurant!!

What does Britt like to do on bus rides?? Wear her crown and let love come through her headphones!!
My announcement
So, I recently took an opportunity to help run another blog.  Im excited to announce that I am the new admin at Nicgold World!! Im so excited!! Please go check out their blog Here!!
One other thing, You know how the blog snows?? I want to go in and change that.  So  if nex time you come on here and its raining something else don't be startled :).  Thank you guys so much for all of the support you guys give to the blog!! It means the world!! Have a great day and I will leave you with these videos.